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Kate Wieczorek
Dear Beth, Mark & Craig & Mrs. Jackson:

Sorry to respond to your loss so late.  Dr. Jackson was a legend in his own time and I am certain he will will be remembered.  My condolences to all.

Jackson younger generation get in touch!  Meg's in Philly, I'm in Norwalk OH.;  on Skype too.
Bob Kohlbecker
Bill was our pest control consultant at O-I for many years and during the time before I retired.  In addition to his great expertise in pest control and public health, he had the unique ability to relate to everyday situations and problems and to explain them to all of us in a clear and concise manner.  I have many good memories of Dr. Jackson in this professional environment.  It was an honor to work with him.  There are so many memories to share ... such as our walking with bags in hand the length of the Detroit Metro Airport 3 TIMES trying to catch a flight that was cancelled and the resulting gate changes ... I was almost worn out but Bill showed no signs of being tired.  There was also the human side of Bill.  After one seminar we gave, and after everyone left, I noticed he was collecting all of the M&M's single service packets and putting them in his pocket!  That was what we liked about him ... he was a good man.
Tom Denbow
Tom Denbow

Dr. Jackson will forever have a place in my heart.  I had first met him as the faculty advisor to the first environmental teach-in at BGSU in 1070.  After the events of both the Teach-in (we had probably the longest teach-in in the nation which included both Ralph Nader and Paul Erhlich) and Kent State, he invited me to become an undergraduate research assistance.  At that point, my life was changed forever.  Bill McCartney, Dave Rintama, Bob Bastian, Denny, and a host of other folks became my family for the next 2 and a half years.  Yet what I learned secured my interest in the sciences, particularly the environmental sciences that has lasted me a life time.  I have not seen Dr. Jackson in many years and for that I am sorry.  Yet the confidence and the impact of those years have been my foundation all these years.  May his memory live on.  See you in Chicago. 


Tom Denbow






Anne Lakofsky Moser

My childhood best friend, Beth, was Bill's daughter. Two memories stand out fondly -- the first, during high school, when there were virtually NO calculators, I remember a group of us crowding around the Jackson's kitchen table using Beth's dad's  HP calculator that had logarithms and trig functions.  What a miracle!  Bill would smile as he passed through that kitchen. The second memory: I grew up in a house very close to the Jackson's which had a cathdral ceiling in the living room. One day, we had a bat as an unwanted visitor. My dad called Bill, who promptly came over with a butterfly net and eventually caught the bat. He put the bat in a glass jar and we all observed it for quite some time before he let it loose.


Beth- I'd love to hear from you again. -- Anne

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