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Mara Estero, Statesville, NC My Condolences for the Family August 31, 2011
Isaiah 25:8:  He will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces. And the reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth, for Jehovah himself has spoken [it].
Revelation 21: 3, 4: " With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
For more reference about this wonderful hope you can visit 
Denny Matheney former student 1965 and 1975 August 28, 2010
My condolences to the family of Dr. Jackson.  He was my advisor both as an undergraduate and graduate student.  I have thought of him often. He was very fair and understanding.  What more could a student asked for.  I went on to teach Biology for 28 years after graduation from BGSU. 
Bob Kohlbecker Condolences August 11, 2010

I always remember Bill as a great teacher and a gentleman. He influenced me in so many ways and I will forever remember his expertise.  However, and perhaps more important, Bill's legacy will be that he was a good man.  We should all hope for that memory when depart this life.

Anne Lakofsky Moser Friend of daughter August 7, 2010
Mrs. Jackson (because that's what I've always called you), Beth, Mark and Craig -- my heart goes out to all of you. I know that you've all had a rough time. My thoughts and prayers are with you.   When I read the obituary in the BG Sentinel, I paused, recalling all the good times I had growing up in your two houses.
Rex E. Marsh University of California, Davis August 4, 2010

I was deeply saddened to learn of Bill's death.  Bill was a true gentlemen, soft spoken and liked by all.  I have known Bill since the mid 1960s and viewed him as a friend and superb scientist.  We frequentlyly exchanged information and participated in or attended the same workshops, meetings, and conferences.  Bill was truly an outstanding educator and scientist and was highly respected, both nationally and internationally, in the field of vertebrate pest management.  Bill's contributions to this field were exemplary--among them, his commitment to teaching and mentoring students, especially international students, and his incomparable leadership and participation in organizations dedicated to improved pest management.  His numerous publications will serve as a significant memorial as they are used and cited by others for decades to come.


My sincere condolences to you, Shirley and to your family.


Rex E. Marsh

Specialist in Vertebrate Ecology Emeritus

University of California, Davis

BGSU Retirees' Association retirees August 1, 2010
The members of the Bowling Green State University Retirees' Association extend their sincerest sympathy to the family and friends of Bill Jackson.
Beth Daughter July 30, 2010
On behalf of the Jackson family, thank you very much for your thoughts and memories of Dad. They help to add another dimension to his life for us as we adjust to his passing. The Celebration Reception of his life on Sat., Aug. 14 between 1-3 PM is open to all. Please let us know you are coming so we can leave your name at the front desk ( Parking is available at the Clare ($10).
Jill Hartwell BGSU registration July 29, 2010
I am sorry to hear about Bill's passing. I enjoyed reading the information in his obituary--very informative! The photos were an added "plus." I miss running into you around town, Shirley. Sincerely, Jill
Keith & Janet Madaras Former Grad Student July 28, 2010
Mrs. Jackson and family:

We were very saddened to read of Dr. Jackson's passing in the BG Sentinel.  We have lost a great man.  Keith and I were curious about the celebration reception on Aug. 14th in Chicago - is that open to all? and if so what time?  If possible, we would like to make the trip from BG to join in the celebration of Dr. Jackson's life.  Our deepest sympathies to the Jackson family,  Keith & Janet Madaras - Pemberville, OH
Donna & Kenneth Lowry Friends July 28, 2010
To Shirley and Family,  I have missed talking and working with you.  You have our sympathy and we have missed you around Bowling Green.  I wondered why I never run into you while visiting Bowling Green, Oh.  The whole world is at a loss at this time.  We wish you well and our prayers are with you.  Kenneth and Donna Lowry.
Total Condolences: 13
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