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Nancy Otley REALTOR and friend July 28, 2010

Dear Shirley and family:


I was was sorry to hear of your loss. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time.   Your memories will help carry you through and you will think of Bill everyday and remember your wonderful long life together.  God Bless and comfort you all.  Fondly, Nancy Otley

Ken Kerik former student -1963-64 BGSU July 25, 2010
Sorry to learn of Bill's passing. He was one of the greatest teachers that I experienced at BG. His ability to teach and counsel led me to a career in public health and environmental science.
He will be truly missed by family and all his students over the years.
Jennifer family July 22, 2010
Thinking of the entire Jackson family at this time...
Total Condolences: 13
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